Thursday, January 11, 2024

Quick and dirty update

Hey there, folks, sorry it's been quiet here. I hope everyone had a safe holiday season and that things have settled down where you're all at.

First off, since Tales of the Moonlight Maiden has wrapped up its massive 'season' arc, my Exalted group and I have been working on starting a fresh story with fresh characters using the Exalted: Essence rules. The plan is to eventually circle back around and revisit the Moonlight Maiden crew, converting them over to ExEss in the process, and if at all possible incorporating the two groups of characters together (and I already even have a seed of a way I might do that). But we figured it'd be better to get the hang of the system as it's intended to be played from the ground up, before trying to convert over characters with almost a hundred sessions' worth of XP (and over-generous bonus XP) on them. Also, having a change of scenery and a change of character perspective for a bit certainly doesn't hurt either.

Anyhow, I'll have more info on that soon!

On other things blog-related, the final PDF of Trinity Continuum: Anima is up, and I plan to do a character build post for that now that it's out. I'd have done it sooner, but, um... *glances further up the page* ...I've been distracted. After that, I've been kicking around an idea for doing a character build for Cyberpunk RED as I got the PDF super-cheap in a sale a while back and it's a game I haven't actually played, so the novelty of building a character for a system I haven't been neck-deep in is appealing. 

Though maybe I'll do something else between Anima and Cyberpunk, so I'm not doing the same genre back to back. Maybe I'll do an Exalted 3e core system version of the ExEss Dragon-blood I did for comparison's sake, or maybe I'll even just write-up a Solar or Lunar for the system. I've also had an idea for a Pathfinder character I could do a post on, but I've only got the base 2e books and I feel weird using those when the Remaster books are out, so I'd rather wait until the official online rules reference updates so it all squares up.

(I'm holding off on getting the Remaster books because I haven't played or run anything Pathfinder/Starfinder-related since before Covid. I haven't even actually used the base 2e books for anything other than occasionally flipping through. As much as I want to support Paizo and some of the work they've been doing as of late, my bookshelves just have enough dead weight on them as it is.)

Nothing new to report on the writing front (but I want to address it while I'm here). It's mostly just revising some old material that I hope to do something with, but it's taken a while for a handful of reasons I won't get into here. And then there's some idle poking at one or two ideas that might not see the light of day, because that's just how my brain works. Shrug emoji.

Anyhow, if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, questions, recommendations, inarticulate rants from someone whose hobby is yelling at strangers on the internet because I tripped a weird Google alert, spambot ads for questionable dating sites, platitudes about how I'm too hard on myself, so on and so forth, reach out in the comments or any of the various places you can find me on social media.

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