Friday, December 29, 2023

Character Build Index

This is an index of the character build posts I've made for the blog, sorted by game and such. 

In general I've tried to keep these write-ups to the core book, with supplemental material to a minimum for the sake of folks trying to follow along. I've also eschewed optional/house rules, and if I do deviate from the text or take some sort of liberty I'll point it out. 

If anyone has any requests or suggestions for characters, feel free to ask, and as long as it's a game for which I have a core book (my library is considerable, though not infinite), I'll consider it.

(I'm aware this is pretty bare bones, I'll probably spruce it up with some descriptions at some point, I just wanted to have it set up sooner rather than later.)


Exalted Essence:

Trinity Continuum

Other Characters

This section will be for games that aren't part of a larger series and are one-off posts. If I ever go back and do more with these, then sure, I'll rearrange all this. But until then...

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