Monday, February 21, 2022

Disguises (Exalted Fiction)

So here's a 'deleted' side-scene from a recent action sequence that I couldn't find a good spot to work into the write-up. The exact timing doesn't matter, just mentally place it wherever you'd like in the sequence of events.

Tales of the Moonlight Maiden: Showdown on Talipan Beach (Exalted)

Hey, sorry there wasn't a session write-up for last week. But as I previously mentioned, last week's session left off in the middle of a battle and for reasons that may seem obvious I decided to hold off.

That said, in case you missed it, I posted a little mini-fic to the blog. It's just a little glimpse into the First Age lives of a couple of the characters from the game. I hope it's obvious as to who everyone's supposed to be, I go pretty light on certain details, largely because I don't want to take too many liberties with my players' characters' earlier incarnations. But if people liked that, I might do more in the future as they come to me. Some may provide context or foreshadowing, they may focus on the PCs or NPCs or whatever. I don't have any hard plans for that beyond making sure the game isn't entirely about me writing First Age fanfic.

Nope, all about Second Age fanfic, here. Speaking of which, a quick aside before we get into it. There's a huge battle across the two sessions recounted here. Every now and again I cut away for a little interlude, and I share those here (though I may or may not have tweaked a detail between describing the scene at the table and writing it down). 

There was another I initially planned to share, but I cut it for time and replaced it with another sequence. And now I can't find a good place to insert it, because I think even one more paragraph of cutscenes are going to completely crowd out the stuff the player characters are actually doing. So I've posted it as its own little 'bonus content' mini-fic you can read later at your leisure. Just feel free to mentally insert it anywhere within the battle timing-wise, the exact spot isn't important.

And that out of the way, here we go!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

First Age Memories: Showoff (Exalted Fiction)

You may or may not have noticed that an Exalted post hasn't appeared this week. This is because the last session ended in the middle of a combat that we still need to wrap up, and I wanted to resolve that before doing up a post. I have, however, thrown together a little something as an experiment. It's a short mini-fiction in my setting, giving a glimpse of a couple of characters as they would have been in an earlier Age. It might even be a glimpse of a memory or a dream that one of the relevant characters is having now. I might do more in the future if people like it.

And, um, yeah. That's it. Enjoy!

Monday, February 7, 2022

Tales of the Moonlight Maiden: Death and Destruction (Exalted)

Welp, here we are again, with more Exalted-y goodness!

And, um... I can't actually think of anything to add. So let's just get to business to defeat the Huns!

(Actually, before we get to business, quick CW for references to mild drug use. Normally I wouldn't bother but there's just enough of them that I feel it's necessary.)

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Writing Update and getting a few things off of my chest

So I've been meaning to post this for the last month or so, and I just keep putting it off. As I've mentioned previously, I haven't been in a great headspace, particularly writing-wise. Honestly, it's probably just being cooped up too much because of winter, SAD and all that. I've also properly fucked up my sleep schedule, which may be a factor as well. Regardless, because of that headspace, this post isn't going to be an especially positive one and if that's going to be an issue to read right now I recommend bookmarking it and coming back later when you've got the spoons. My inability to muster up a more positive version of all this is the primary reason I haven't written it and posted it before now, but I'm tired of just holding it back.

Before I get too deep into it I want to address that anyone who follows this blog may notice that I haven't actually posted any of my fiction here in a while. A big part of that is how little I've gotten done at all that I can post, but to be honest it's more because while I rarely get any engagement anywhere, I've never gotten any here. Posting stuff here is extra steps of formatting and uploading, and to be frank I'm reasonably certain anyone who reads this blog is likely to be familiar with my FurAffinity page anyways. And with that...

Saturday, February 5, 2022

A quick something or other

I might delete this later, I don't know. But I just wanted to mention I've been meaning to do a blog post about my writing, what I'm working on, etc. But I'm actually not in a great headspace regarding my writing. I'm not going to expand upon why, because pretty much any time I talk about my writing either becomes a pity party about my worst feelings about it or is being said through a fake smile. 

For the record, I am actually doing better than I was before the ADHD meds, but I've still got problems and this is just a particularly bad patch I'm trying to push through.

(And please do not fall all over yourself trying to reassure me I'm a good writer, etc., even if you mean it. I've gotten those reassurances one time too many from people who don't actually read my work at all and I'm a little sick of hearing them altogether. I need feedback, not digital backpats.)

I'm going to stop this post here before it spirals. *closes the vent*