Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Burning Footsteps: Fetch Quests (Promethean)

Hey there, folks. We're back with this. Barring incident, soon my group should be starting up our next game, and since I think I'm basically set for the first session I'm putting aside what would otherwise be some prep time to crank out another of these write-ups.

So for this session we actually had the entirety of the main (i.e., didn't bail after a single session) group. So as Steve, Rudolf, and Jack head back to the lab to collect the ashes, they run into Ander and Father John. The latter pair have a rough idea on where to find the thing that escaped the lab basement, and sent Lafayette back to the lab just in case anyone tried getting in touch there. But the leads are running dry, and Steve, Rudolf, and Jack explain the situation to Ander and Father John (who had also run into Sicky, conveniently). They all head back to the lab together, just in case things get dicey...

...which, they apparently had, as when the group returns to the lab they find Lafayette's arm on the front porch. They creep inside and find that something with claws has completely torn him apart and scattered his pieces around the house, rendering him well and truly dead.[0] The group searches the house looking for his assailant, and upstairs in the lab they find a feral-looking, room temperature woman in dirty clothes with blood on her hands. She pulls a gun on them and attacks them, and Steve manages to quickly drop her with his knife, because he was twinked out for combat.[1] But she's apparently dead.[2]

They head back downstairs and gather up the ashes. But rather than just put them into the urn, Rudolf does something clever. He scrounges up some tupperware containers, numbers them, and makes a sketch of the room marking where each pile of ash was before putting them in said container just in case it matters. Ander looks at what's left of Lafayette's body, and while he can't explain the claw marks based on the spacing of them and everything he's able to determine that the woman they fought is definitely the culprit and deliberately destroyed him. But now they've got a body to deal with, so they drive her out to Rudolf's place out in the Bayou. He swipes her clothes as they were in better shape than his (except for her jacket, which he goes out of his way to leave at the lab so as not to have a conspicuous absence), and he puts her in his basement.

But after that, the group returns to the Baron's place and they give him the ashes, explaining what they've done with them. He's a little surprised, but finds it satisfactory. But he has them go ahead and transfer the ashes to the urn, and has Josue take it into the other room.

Then, completely out of nowhere, he asks about they woman they fought in the lab. In case it needs to be said, this catches the group off-guard. The Baron knows exactly what went on, and explains he needs them to bring him the body. Then he wants them to get her jacket from the lab, take it to a particular hotel in a nice part of town, and give it to someone named "Bishop Vidal" with a note.[3] The Baron arranges transportation for the group for this purpose.

Jack goes to get the jacket and deliver it to Vidal while the others deal with the body. But he gets there there with the jacket and is brought into a room with Vidal and a man named Donovan. They read the note, inspect the jacket, and demand to know exactly what happened. He spells it out for them, and they send him back with a letter for the Baron.

So everyone gets regrouped at the Baron's place, and they start insisting on some sort of compensation for their trouble. The Baron, considering Vidal's response, debates out loud the notion of bringing the group along for a thing, but they decide not to continue their association if they can help it. Father John does manage to talk the Baron into an exchange of information, typical trading questions, that sort of thing.

I didn't write down the questions at the time, but they start off with the Baron asking the group what they are. They explain they're animated corpses, and he calls bullshit. But over the course of the exchange, they learn some basics about vampires (like in particular that there are types of vampires), he learns a little about Prometheans (also that there are types of Prometheans).[4] But after they talk a bit, the group decides to part ways with the good Baron, and they go back to Dr. Gino's to get some rest with plans to properly brand themselves into a throng the next morning.

And we left off there.

[0]-- I said at the time, and I reiterate now, this wasn't anything personal. I'm honestly not sure anyone's ever actually believed me when I said this was simply the easiest way to definitively write the character out and also feed into the story arc.
[1]-- I don't have it in my notes here, but if I recall correctly, Steve had this ridiculous build combining some Promethean powers and the Spetsnaz fighting style from WoD: Armory. Like, it was bad enough I was debating whether to house rule it, but I think in the end I decided to leave it as-is but just built any combat-oriented NPCs around it. 
[2]-- I say 'apparently' because, y'know, vampire.
[3]-- For the record, if you've read City of the Damned: New Orleans, all this would be blowing your mind.
[4]-- As Changeling: The Lost wasn't out yet to change up the formula, we had a bit of an OOC chuckle over what might happen if the various supernatural species ever caught on to the fact that these things tend to run in fives.

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