Sunday, June 14, 2020

Some built-up personal stuff

So a quick ICYMI from a couple months back: At some point, probably next year, I'm going to try and put out an RPG supplement for my Conversion story setting.

And in some more recent positive news, a short story of mine won a Leo Literary Award a couple of weeks ago, for my story "Swipe Right, Now What" in the FANG 9 anthology from FurPlanet. (ebook available here) I didn't say anything at the time because this was right when the BLM protests were picking up and I didn't want to be all "Hey, everybody, stop paying attention to important things and acknowledge this random white dude and his minor writing accomplishment."

Speaking of which, in case it needs to be said: Black lives matter, ACAB, trans women are women, trans men are men, and Rowling can go fuck herself.

And now that that's out of the way, to some other business. I don't often talk about personal stuff here, and I'm not going to get too deep into it in any case. But I've just been struggling with a lot of burnout, largely from the state of the world around us. But that burnout has made it hard to write, which is difficult because writing is one of my best de-stressers, and one of the few available to me with the pandemic closing certain businesses and keeping me holed up at home. On top of that, thanks to the weather and certain other issues, I haven't been sleeping great so I'm just kind of falling apart in general.

One of the few things I do have, which sometimes helps, is cooking. Like a lot of folks I've been cooking at home a lot more during the pandemic, and I've been expanding my recipes and such. But I often post pictures of the food I make to Twitter, just to share. I've refrained from doing that for the last couple of weeks because it just feels inappropriate to dump food pictures on folks' timelines when they're sharing info about the protests, ways to help the protesters, etc. So I saved them up because I thought there would be a good 'breather' moment to share them. But now the collection has grown large enough that it's going to be just annoying as hell to everyone if I were to just dump a thread of food pics on the timeline. So I decided to post them here instead. Check them out below the cut.

First, we've got some roasted veggie farro bowls with marinated cranberries and salsa verde sunflower pepitas. It looks like a mess (and to be honest felt more like a lunch than a dinner), but it was extremely tasty.

Next, there's some chicken with a pan sauce and chives, lemon rice, and a salad with bits of apple in it.

Next is sort of a very simple chicken casserole thing. It looks disgusting, and it's probably nowhere close to good for me, but it was tasty, easy, and filling.

Next, something I've made before, plenty of times, a very basic (but delicious) chicken curry recipe. And every time I tell myself "I've made this so many times there's no good reason to keep posting it." But then it looks really good and so I just have to share.

Next we've got a pretty basic shepherd's pie, pictured both in the pan and in a bowl.

And now a chicken sausage and sweet potato soup with kale and herb-butter toast.

I screwed up the picture, but here's a fettuccine alfredo I made. I've been slowly tweaking a recipe found here, gradually dialing back the crushed red pepper flakes (next time I'll take them out altogether, as they just seem out of place flavor-wise) and using a lot more pasta water than suggested.

And this is what the cookbook I found it in refers to as a 'Swiss steak stew.' Also very simple, very easy. It's one of those 'throw some stuff together in a Crock Pot and wait eight hours' recipes. I tried to get a picture in the bowl as well as said Crock Pot, but I screwed up the bowl picture. Not that it's that different, really.

And last but not least, a veggie and mushroom bibimbap with a fried egg.

And that's it for now. I dunno if I'll do this again or if I'll just start posting food pics back to Twitter, we'll see, but until next time, stay safe, wash your hands, and wear your mask.

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