Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Meet the Vault Hunters

Welcome back, minions!

So normally I do something like this as part of my post with a fresh crop of characters. But for the sake of preserving the 'intro cutscene' feel of what I was doing, I decided to keep to the 'name card'-style intros and left a more in-depth write-up for a separate post.

Conveniently, this is a separate post. So let's get to a rundown of our cast, with answers to a couple of their history questions from the playbooks.

Thirt33n the Assassin, played by Zac -- Thirt33n is an assassin, a mercenary, and something of an enigma. They dress in stealth gear and a face-covering mask. To serve their needs in dealings with others, on the rare occasions that they do speak, anything they say comes out in thirteen different languages overlaid on top of each other (hence their name). It's a very creepy effect. They carries a fine saber that's clearly been very well-loved, improved, and modernized over a long period of time, but it's possible not even they know exactly where it or their skills come from.
History questions: They've also been listening in on Sledge's ECHO logs without his permission and knows a lot about his ambitions re: the planet. They're also pretty sure that at some point they're going to have to kill B-light.
Class Mod item: A Funko Pop-style figurine. Their 'Killer' Mod is represented by a Terminator-looking figure with anime-spiky hair.

Sledge the Berserker, played by Bryan -- Sledge grew up in an average family, his father once a spaceport worker for the Atlas corporation. After things fell apart with Atlas, Sledge turned to crime, and got really good at getting into fights. He spent some time in a Hyperion 'Friendship Gulag,' whereupon he was experimented on, giving him the ability to channel elements through his fists. His wife worked in one of the labs there and was killed during a riot. He escaped during transport to Minos, though it's possible he's not the only one of his fellow test subjects to do so... He likes to be feared and wants to rule Minos some day.
History questions: He thinks Thirt33n is the baddest-ass for their willingness to get up close and personal with someone their going to kill. He also feels a weird attachment to Hanabi-chan.

B-light the Siren, played by John -- As mentioned elsewhere, Sirens are women born with mysterious, poorly-understood powers, often elemental in nature. There are six in the universe at any given time, and they're believed to have some connection to the Vaults and the Eridian aliens. One of the known 'signs' of a Siren is by tattoo-like markings running down their left side that tend to glow when they use their powers. Each Siren has a power of some sort, and B-light's is 'phase burst.' She can teleport, leaving behind a corrosive acid cloud, and project similar clouds of acid. She's young, early 20's, and keeps her Siren nature a secret. Publicly, she keeps up the pretense of suffering from some sort of radiation sickness (implied to be a mutant) and decorates her clothing with lights and fancy-looking gear to and obscures her tattoos. She's been wandering from planet to planet as she was orphaned at a young age, getting into fights all the way as she has a bit of a temper, and she's hoping to find another Siren.
History questions: Sledge loves her for who she is, and she's been keeping an eye on Thirt33n.

Mr. Phillips the Mechromancer (though somewhat reskinned from the default, as you'll see), played by Sean -- Mr. Phillips works for the Tediore corporation, as a product representative. He didn't originally go work for them, though -- he ran his own smaller company that developed a form of hard-light technology that Tediore wanted, so they bought him out and now he works for them. He carries a briefcase with him that contains his holographic 'assistant,' Hanabi-chan (think something like a violent, hyperactive version of Krieger's girlfriend from Archer). Hanabi-chan showcases weapons for prospective clients -- by using them to maniacally kill monsters and bandits. Mr. Philips is in his late 40's, with sandy-blond hair, and his glasses are always slightly opaque, like the classic picture of Gendo Ikari with his fingers steepled.
History questions: Mr. Phillips thinks that Thirt33n is a genius for their own use of hologram tech, but he feels like B-light doesn't respect how freaking brilliant he is.

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