Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: A Nighttime Stroll (Exalted)

Hey there, all. If this Exalted post is going up when I mean it to, I should be caught up in time for my next session. 

I can't think of anything to add to that, clever or otherwise, so let's just get into it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Silverpost (Exalted)

Hello again, readers. As you may be aware, I'm still a little behind on my Exalted session write-ups, but I'll get that sorted ASAP, starting with this post. On a related note, in the very near future I'm going to be digging into redlines for my sections of the Alchemicals book. I just want to say it's been a fun experience working on the game line, and the developers and other writers have been a delight to communicate and collaborate with. Not that they're likely to see this, but just wanted to say it. (And if they do see this, um, hi. It's been a blast and I'm really hoping I didn't unintentionally say something obnoxious between posting this and you seeing it.)

Anyhow, with that out of the way...