Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: The Hounds of Ill-Omen (Exalted)

Alright, here we go again, once more unto the breach, etc. Again, as last time, no big announcements or anything to share, other than to mention that I'm working on another character-build post for the near-future, if anyone's reading those. (And, again, as long as it's for something I've got the book for or has a freely-available SRD, I'm more than willing to listen to suggestions for future builds.)

And with that...

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Hunter and Hunted (Exalted)

Hello there, folks, hope everyone's doing well. Got an Exalted session for you, no complicated bells or whistles or big announcements unless I think of something later and go back and edit this.

So let's get to it.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: The Broken Antler (Exalted)

Hey there, folks, hope everyone's doing okay at the moment and that the world hasn't ended in the time between me starting this post and putting it up. We've got another Exalted Essence session for ya as my mixed-Exalt Circle of PCs continues on their trek to Gethamane.

I don't have any big announcements, but in case you missed it, I did another character build, this time for Cyberpunk RED, a game that doesn't use fistfuls of d10s for once! And I've got another build in the works, but wanted to get this up first to break them up a bit (and, also, y'know, to get it up some time before the last-minute, which lately has led to me forgetting to link my posts on social media).

But with that out of the way...

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Building a Character: Cyberpunk RED

Greetings, programs!

So as I begin writing this, I just recently wrapped up first drafts for the third edition Exalted Alchemicals book, and between that and the Exalted Essence game I'm running, I need a bit of a palate cleanser.

In this context that means building a character, and to change things up a bit I'm doing a system I've neither run nor written for before -- nor even played, for that matter. I picked up the Cyberpunk RED core book for cheap in a sale a while back, and as you may or may not be aware I've always been a fan of the genre. I've even been vaguely aware of the setting since long before the recent video game, as a fan of the old WotC version of the Netrunner card game, which explicitly took place in the Cyberpunk 2020 setting. While the card game didn't deal with a lot that happened outside the Net, it touched on enough that I might've said "Oh shit" out loud when Spider Murphy showed up in the "Love Like Fire" mission in Cyberpunk 2077, not to mention various other names prominent throughout the game.

That's not meant to be a brag about 'old-school' cred, but as with my Trinity Continuum character builds, I enjoy talking about my history with a given game (or, in this case, world). That said, sometimes I do wonder what effect it would have had on me had Cyberpunk been my first non-D&D game instead of Trinity/Æon.

Anyhow, below the cut, I'm gonna get into a character build for Cyberpunk RED.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: A Threat of Mammoth Proportions (Exalted)

Greetings in this era of ominous omens, between the recent New York earthquake, the even-more-recent solar eclipse, and a plague of cicadas on the horizon (some of which are apparently going to be hypersexual zombies). I'm making sure to mention all this to 'date' this post in case future generations of wasteland explorers find it and it somehow winds up being an important clue in their journey to reclaim some macguffin or simply serves as background lore fodder.

Yes, I am in a weird mood today. But that's alright, because weird moods can always be of benefit when I'm writing about an Exalted session.

So we're getting into that below the fold!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Burning Daylight (Exalted)

Hey there, folks, welcome back! It's been quiet here because RL issues have prevented us from playing, and I just haven't had the time or the energy to write up the last session we did play before now due to a combination of issues, one of those getting the first draft of my work in on the new Alchemicals book.

But now that that's out of the way, I'm gonna relax and unwind from writing Exalted stuff by...

... writing a blog post about Exalted. Frig.

All kidding aside, I do have some other content planned for the blog, but I wanted to get this posted before my next session. That said, I've been neck deep in Exalted core mechanics and I have to make sure to get my brain back into Essence mode before our next session. Here's hoping.

Speaking of which...