Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Business Partners (Exalted)

Greetings, my good peeps. I'm aware I fell behind a bit and I'm still getting caught up. 

By the way, I didn't want to tack it onto the previous post, but a recent episode of the Onyx Pathcast has developer Chazz Kellner and writer Elliott Freeman talking about the Alchemicals book for Exalted Third Edition. They don't talk about anything I specifically wrote (with one possible tiny exception), but if you've been curious at all about Alchemicals and how they're being presented in this edition give it a listen! You can find it here!

After the concert last session, we jump ahead to the following morning where Silverpost is going through something of a collective hangover. Either from partying, rioting, or having been given the spiritual equivalent of a colonic irrigation, a lot of people are staggering around and kind of out of it.

Though a knock on the door to Lecht's room at the inn suggests there's at least one person who's bright and chipper today. They open the door to find a beautiful woman with faintly-green skin and green and white hair, dressed casually. Speaking Skytongue in an accent that's hard to place, she introduces herself as Agate Song and remarks that Lecht is a hard person to find. 

She explains she's an independent messenger hired by a third party who wanted to each out to see if they can forge some working relationship; someone who became aware of Lecht via their mercy-killing of Old Man Liczka. They sent her to track down the Grave Warden (referring to Lecht, not their staff), and it took her a little while because they're often moving around. She also mentions that during the course of her trying to catch up with Lecht, she got a message from her client asking her to pass along that said client is in Heaven and that they're aware that Lecht could use an ally or two in Yu-Shan right about now.

Lecht's intrigued, and asks if they get to learn the client's name and motivations.

And Agate Song was just about to get to that, having been building up to it to gauge Lecht's interest. She asks if Lecht has heard of Zenesh, the Executor of Royal Succession. They have; she's a minor death god. Agate Song explains that she's not nearly as minor as she used to be, thanks to the bloodshed of the Second Age. But as part of her purview, she's there in spirit whenever someone who holds hereditary power passes away -- and Marku Liczka, while not any sort of king or anything, was just powerful enough to fall under her sight. Zenesh is looking for allies in Creation because there are some in Heaven concerned that she may be trying to inflate the importance of her purview, and so her ability to move freely is a little limited. There aren't any guarantees, but she just wants to see if the Chosen of Vesmara would be willing to work with her in the future.

Lecht quickly agrees, seeing this as a way to get the ball rolling on getting their issues with Yu-Shan sorted out. Agate Song makes it clear that Zenesh is asking for discretion in these matters, there aren't any guarantees or anything, these are just beginning talks. And that Agate Song will likely be Lecht's go-between with Zenesh for the moment. Lecht is fine with all that, and they both part on good terms.[0]

With that, Lecht goes down to the common area of the inn for breakfast, as does Stray Dog when he gets up.

Elsewhere, Wandering Dawn also got up at sunup and went to scope out the 'Tepet quarter' of Silverpost. He's looking out for anything weird, or any trace of the Lunar he spotted at the Estate. But he just finds a quiet corner of town where the survivors of the Battle of Futile Blood are running some local businesses (like the blacksmith Stray Dog met during the group's previous visit), and have acquired homes, put up some Tepet banners to mark their turf, stuff like that. He overhears bits and pieces of an argument (no details, just that it happened) from within the building he's pretty sure is their functional headquarters, and he files that away away for later.

He goes back to the inn to find the other two amidst the worn-out, half-asleep, and hung-over townspeople. Stray Dog's easy enough to spot, since he just looks perfectly fine and normal. As Wandering Dawn settles in at the table, Lecht asks Stray Dog if he was the one on top of the burning wagon, but he doesn't remember setting any fires. As they greet each other, Lecht refers to Wandering Dawn as 'friend,' which surprises him, and Lecht points out by way of explanation that Wandering Dawn helped them curse a man. Dawn admits he probably shouldn't have done that, and Lecht explains that he did so regardless, and they appreciate it. The Solar admits he was angry and doesn't think he's going to do anything like that again, and Lecht chimes in they doubt it'll last very long anyhow.[1]

Wandering Dawn produces the jade coin he got from the Lunar at the Liczka Estate, the one with the Tepet mon stamped on it, and says he thinks the Lunar wants to meet. But he doesn't think he wants to meet her alone. He's worried it might be a trap, but wants the others' opinion on this.

Everyone agrees that if it is a trap, it'd be more interesting to spring it and find out. And Dawn says he'd be willign to go alone but respects the others enough to at least get their take and include them since they've known each other on-and-off for about a year now. And he sees them as kind of a team.

"And you call me 'scary,'" Lecht remarks. They then talk about their strange visitor -- Agate Song, envoy of Zenesh (without getting into the details as to her exact purview, just calling her a death goddess), and explain that she's a potential ally in Heaven in pushing their query through. Though they add there's nothing set in stone yet, they'll probably have to do Zenesh a favor, and all that. Wandering Dawn is pleased to hear there may be a non-violent solution to the whole mess. Lecht admits they kinda want to kick in the doors of Heaven and have a glance at the Loom of Fate to get a read on the hekatonkhire. Flawless plan.[2]

"That's, um..." the Solar begins. "Well, are you hoping she can get us in?"

"Potentially," Lecht confirms. "But that's neither here nor there. That's just a brainstorming session, nothing's set in stone. But I have been thinking about that quite a bit. But other than that, all I need to do today is go kill Rhion."

Wandering Dawn, naturally, asks why -- and Lecht explains he clearly left that book for a reason, which makes him responsible for a lot of shit. Wandering Dawn says he just wanted to hear them clarify that so they don't sound like a psychopathic murderer. He then takes a moment to see if Stray Dog has anything he needs to do, but he's good and explains he's game for Lecht's plan to go after Rhion. There's some discussion as to which of these side-questserrands they're going to do first. Wandering Dawn isn't in any hurry to speak to the Lunar, but Lecht doesn't mind getting that out of the way -- but they know where to find Rhion, so maybe that might be easier. So everyone eats their breakfast (with Wandering Dawn just wolfing everything down like Goku).

Lecht leads the others through town to Rhion's office. The city is already livelier than it was when they arrived this trip, but everyone's still worn out like they haven't slept. Lecht asks Stray Dog what he did, and the Infernal explains that he reinvigorated the people with the power of music. The trio reaches the office, which looks pretty discreet, and Lecht knocks at the door. A hatch slides open and someone peeks out with a "Yes?"

"I have an appointment."

"What kind?"

"The 'none of your business' kind of appointment."

The eyes narrow at Lecht, and the hatch slides shut with an unspoken 'fuck off.'

Lecht then touches the door and casts spell 'Violent Opening of Closed Portals,' which blasts in the door -- as well as every other door and window in the building. They find a skinny, sleazy looking man with a John Waters mustache cowering in the foyer, matching the description of Rhion's flunky Betto. Lecht says they told him they have an appointment, and asks where Rhion is.

"He's on the road, he's supposed to be back in a few days... I think!"

Now Lecht feels embarrassed. They were trying to make a point, and assumed Rhion was at the office.

"Well, if your master returns... in a few days?" Betto quickly nods and Lecht continues. "Just let him know he's no longer doing business in Silverpost. Okay?"

"Ok-kay," Betto stammers.

"Also, next time someone knocks on his door, not to be fucking rude."

Betto just looks confused as hell at that, given that he asked if Lecht had an appointment and Lecht was the one who got snotty with him seemingly out of nowhere, but I dunno.

Wandering Dawn points out that Lecht should have made sure Rhion was there. They shrug and say they assumed he stays in town for extended periods of time. Wandering Dawn points out that Betto could be lying, but Lecht doesn't feel comfortable torturing and antagonizing the poor man any more, and would rather leave with some dignity intact.

Wandering Dawn goes to hand the man some money, and Betto flinches at first but takes it. Wandering Dawn picks him up and puts him on his feet and assures him he's in no danger. Though maybe he should consider finding another line of work.

So before any authorities catch up with them, the trio then hustles over to the Tepet enclave and the headquarters, which seems to be (or at least once was) a large inn. Wandering Dawn shows a woman at the front desk the coin, and she gives him a look and hands it back and says she'll be back in a moment before rushing upstairs. 

A couple of minutes later, a woman the characters have seen in passing in town, Tepet Jarin, comes down. She's dressed in civilian clothes but wearing a peacebound sword on her hip. She asks to see the coin, looks at it, and asks Wandering Dawn where he got it. He says the person he's trying to meet slipped it into his pocket. She considers that, and asks the group to follow her upstairs, telling them they may bring their weapons or leave them downstairs if they wish.

She leads them to a meeting room and has some tea brought in -- a strong, dark, surprisingly-caffeinated blend from the Blessed Isle, called Noble Killer.[3] The tea is brought by her wide-eyed assistant, Tepet Aranis (or maybe it was a servant with Aranis coming in afterwards, I'm blanking now), who bows to the group as she's introduced. When she rises from the bow, she's become Marta, the 'merchant' who first told the group about the Leaves back in Kolozma. She pours some tea and takes a sip and shifts into Lillian, the Liczka servant that Wandering Dawn first recognized her as. And then she shifts into (presumably) her true form, a pale Northerner with gray-ish hair and those distinctive owl-ish eyes and introduces herself as Starlight Wing. She apologizes for them having to meet under such complicated circumstances.

Wandering Dawn introduces himself and his companions, and Starlight Wing wryly remarks their reputations have preceded them, and quickly adds they can talk freely in front of Jarin, who's an ally.

Wandering Dawn explains he wanted to learn more about what she was doing at the Estate and why and how everything connects together. Starlight Wing says she's been keeping an eye on things there for a while, and has been trying to get to the bottom of the Leaves situation as best as she can without drawing the attention of a Wyld Hunt or the Bull of the North.

Wandering Dawn asks what exactly is House Tepet, because he's had little experience with Realm politics -- are they all Lunars? Jarin proceeds to give him the basic spiel -- House Tepet are one of the Great Houses of the Scarlet Dynasty, descended from proud Shogunate military traditions. A few years ago they came into conflict with the Solar warlord known as the Bull of the North, and their forces were utterly crushed at the Battle of Futile Blood. The House has lost much of their political capital and is on the verge of collapse. The enclave in Silverpost is made up of survivors of the battle (with Jarin the only surviving Dragon-Blood of the unit), who are reluctant to return to the Blessed Isle and face the various pressures likely to tear them apart there. 

Officially, they're maintaining an extended reconnaissance outpost in the area, so they're not rogue or anything, but eventually they're going to have to make some decisions because they've been getting pressure from different factions -- the Ragara unit in the area has been trying to talk them into coming back with them, the Liczkas have been trying get them to join or even maybe even take over the city guard, the Guild has been trying to recruit them as mercenaries or even just being hired to join their private armies. Wandering Dawn says that at least they don't have to worry about a revolution[4], and Jarin expresses appreciation for the group stepping in with that -- and Starlight Wing was impressed with what Stray Dog managed with the concert, both in terms of the performance and the ritual he incorporated into it.

The Lunar then goes on to explain that she did want to reach out to the group regardless of the Leaves situation, just wanting to connect with another group of Exalts helping people out and all that. She felt it'd be good for both her Circle and the trio of PCs to know that they're not the only ones out there, and that they should attempt to keep in touch. Wandering Dawn says he's just glad they got to clear up that whole little mystery, and if there's anything the group needs from him. Starlight Wing just reiterates that this is mostly about forging alliances and hopefully friendships with other people operating on 'their level.'

As she says that, she tilts her head slightly and pours a fresh cup of the tea. When asked if that was for absent friends, she says 'sort of' moments before Carik the blacksmith that Stray Dog met before comes in. She's a little surprised to see that things have already started, and formally introduces herself: Carik, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, Twilight Caste. And as she says that she flashes her Caste Mark at the trio, and that gets some raised eyebrows, as this is the first time anyone from the group has met a Solar other than Wandering Dawn.

Carik says she's the biggest reason why Jarin and her people have set up in Silverpost instead of going back to the Isle. She Exalted during the Battle of Futile Blood, and they were a tight-knit enough group that this didn't immediately lead to her getting executed, and they've backed off to figure some stuff out while they deal with their shaken faith in the Realm and in Immaculate Dogma.[5] Also, during the conversation, mentions she also enjoyed the concert, and talks about the Tepet's interactions with the various local factions (which leads to a general agreement that the Guild sucks). She asks where they're going next, and the group is mostly undecided (though Lecht does need to pop back to Kolozma at some point). Carik asks if there's anything she can do to help them out.

Wandering Dawn can't think of anything, though he does war them to keep an eye out for Rhion. They're familiar with him, and they start talking about the extreme likelihood that he set things up with the Leaves to begin with, and also why. The theory is that his plan was to destabilize the city, and conveniently show up with a bunch of Guild-aligned mercenaries to put the rebellion down and increase their influence with Luca and the city. In the process, using Elmorze to help radicalize the gang makes those who'd push back against the Guild look bad, which is just icing on the cake.

Someone, I think Lecht, suggests that Rhion might have some interest in the monster under Gethamane, and Starlight Wing says she doesn't know anything about that but knows that's certainly nothing he'd be involved in (as he likely doesn't know anything about it, either). She does mention that the Guild would love to get a proper grip on Gethamane, but they've gotten very good at maintaining boundaries there. But Rhion is a bit of regional force for the Guild and has a bunch of projects going at any one time. If he's going to be pulling back from Silverpost, he's likely to focus more on one of the others, possibly in Larkim.

Wandering Dawn says he wishes Rhion were there because he'd very much like to know where he got the book that he left for Anica. You don't just stumble over something like that, after all. Someone floats the idea that maybe he's a sorcerer himself, or someone else is manipulating him for their own purposes, or maybe he did just find it somewhere. Tepet Jarin is pretty sure he's not a sorcerer himself, but the Guild could potentially be working with anyone.

Wandering Dawn asks the others if they want to stick around for a few days to wait for him. Jarin suggests he'll probably hear about how things played out in Silverpost and skip any planned return trip, but the group does talk about taking some time to relax. Dawn says there could be some benefits to stopping and unwinding, as it would give him a better chance to commune with his red jade direlance. He pulls it out to show the others, and Jarin's surprised -- she recognizes it, and even knows its name -- 'The Piercing Gaze of Hesiesh' -- as it used to belong to the then-commander of the Ragara unit camped out across the road. They even showed up asking if she'd seen it at all. 

Jarin grins and says it's such a shame it's likely been lost forever and House Ragara might never see it again. But once they've gotten through the implication that they'll cover for Wandering Dawn if anyone else comes looking for it, Dawn says that it'd be nice to take some time to better understand the lance's abilities. Carik offers to help him study its Essence, and Jarin points out that she actually runs a dojo located elsewhere in the building, and it also makes for a nice private training space if he'd like to spar.

But with that, we kind of drift into small talk and banter as the two Circles get to know each other on a more casual level, and we leave this session off there.

[0]-- I can't remember where it came up in the conversation, exactly, but I think Agate Song commented that she's a Dragon-Blood, one of Heaven's Dragons (a faction of which I'm rather obvious enamored, given how many I've had show up as NPCs over time).
[1]-- Somewhere along the line, the assumption's come in that Luca is some sort of slavering greed-monster, wearing the Orange Power Ring of Avarice and building a pile of gold coins to swim through like Scrooge McDuck.
[2]-- Flawless except for the fact that the hekatonkhire is outside of fate, like any other dead thing, and thus falls into a massive blind spot on the Loom. Not that Lecht has any reason to know this.
[3]-- Because I'm the sort of dork that loves these sorts of details, I keep a notes file of names, descriptions, and points of origin for different teas I've had come up in my games, mostly so I'm not scrambling to make something up if I want to flesh out a scene by having to make up these details on the spot. Noble Killer actually came up once or twice in my Lunars game as well.
[4]-- I think I forgot to write down when this detail came up in the conversation, but at one point Jarin mentioned that she had her troops subtly keeping an eye on things throughout the city to try and curb the Leaves' violence after some of their early attacks on the merchants. These were the guys that the group saw guarding the inn when they first arrived, for instance.
[5]-- For the record, no, you didn't miss anything -- while Carik Exalted during the Battle of Futile Blood and Tepet Jarin was the commanding officer at the time, none of them actually mention how/when Starlight Wing entered the picture. That's a story for another day, something I might write up separately.

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