Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Business Partners (Exalted)

Greetings, my good peeps. I'm aware I fell behind a bit and I'm still getting caught up. 

By the way, I didn't want to tack it onto the previous post, but a recent episode of the Onyx Pathcast has developer Chazz Kellner and writer Elliott Freeman talking about the Alchemicals book for Exalted Third Edition. They don't talk about anything I specifically wrote (with one possible tiny exception), but if you've been curious at all about Alchemicals and how they're being presented in this edition give it a listen! You can find it here!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

An update on where I'm at, writing-wise

I have two updates about my writing in this post, one about current projects and other things that are vaguely project-shaped, and one about where I'm at on an emotional/mental level.

The Road Between Light and Dark: Medicine (Exalted)

Hey there again, I know it's been quiet here. I'm a little behind on these Exalted posts -- just as soon as I got caught up, I know -- and I don't have a good reason, just grappling with some stuff and couldn't line up my brain right to get into it.

I don't really have much in the way of personal announcements or anything. Closest thing to such is that the Trinity Continuum Player's Guide is now out as a backer PDF for folks who crowdfunded, and it's been interesting going back through and seeing how my writing got through editing, now formatted and with artwork and stuff. I was dealing with a few things when I wrote it, and it's weird to look back on almost two years later. But at the same time, it's always exciting to see my work presented in a final-ish form (and I legitimately hope it always will be).

Anyhow, this is about to take a needlessly-maudlin turn, when we're supposed to be focusing on my group's Exalted adventures.