Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Leaves (Exalted)

Okay, unless for some reason this is the first one of my posts you've seen, you know what this is -- me getting caught up on past sessions. But with this post, we wrap up "Nightmare" and move into the next story -- which is the current story as of this writing, which means I'm making progress!

And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, still looking for input on the blog itself. As of this writing/posting, literally the only response I've gotten from someone is "Sorry, I don't read the blog, I'm not a blog reader." Which is usually the only response I ever get, if I get one at all, but at least this time it's from someone different than usual.

Anyhow, before I put myself into a spiral, let's get this show on the road...

The trio trudge back through the tunnels to the city in silence. They're all ready to just go and get some sleep, but when they come back out into the city Baykal is there with a a handful of guards. He calls them on their previous promise to make sure the city gets its share of any treasures they bring back, but they're too pissed for civility. They insist they didn't find anything worth bringing back, and Stray Dog challenges them to search him. Which they do -- they check his pockets, pat him down, all but give him a cavity search. One of the guards knocks on his shield and gives Baykal a look before he shakes his head and confirms that Stray Dog came in with it.

While the guards insist that he's clean, Baykal is incredulous they could make two trips down into the tunnels, spend most of a day down there each time, and come back empty-handed. Wandering Dawn just gives him a challenging look and asks "Are you done?" Baykal squints at him and has him searched as well. The Solar remembers to send his cache egg to Elsewhere before they find it, so all they get is just his weapons and coin purse. But it's pretty clear the guards are trying to provoke a fight, especially when one guardsman holds up the coin purse and Baykal shakes his head before dismissively waving the group on their way.[0]

After that they had back to their rooms at the inn and all three of them get some sleep this time. And this night, they have another dream... they're standing in one of the Gethamane marketplaces, all together, and there's a younger woman in front of them admiring all of the exotic goods brought from afar. Then she turns to them and says "My 'sister' and I know what you've done, and we thank you." And on some level they instinctively understand this is a message from another of the 'forgotten' gods of Gethamane, speaking on behalf of Reshan and giving them the little sound cue that marks the quest is done.

When Wandering Dawn wakes up the next day at sunrise (which he can instinctively sense), he finds a note slid under the door of his room. It's from the foxfolk Kasyan, saying that they're outside the North Gate and getting ready to leave and they'd like to say goodbye to everyone before they go. With that in mind, Dawn goes downstairs, gets breakfast and waits for the others to catch up. Lecht shows up a short while later, grudgingly sitting at the table, and Wandering Dawn hands them Kasyan's note. Eventually Stray Dog joins them and once everyone's had some breakfast and coffee they find their way out the northern gate.

Out there, enjoying the sunlight from the clear sky, sits the lithe foxfolk -- their white fur glittering in the sun. They're looking at something off in the distance as they sit on a ledge just next to the road. They twitch an ear to the group and get up and thank them for coming out. They explain they couldn't sleep in the city[1], but then resting outside has given them opportunities to see that... they point at something in the sky: An air ship. Your classic fantasy airship, somewhere between a sea vessel and a zeppelin. It's in the distance a good bit, and if the day weren't as clear or the characters didn't have the sharp senses of someone greater-than-mortal, they might not be able to see it with the naked eye.

Lecht is shocked -- this is entirely new to them. Kasyan explains it's a Haslanti League air boat on border patrol, and that Gethamane is a little ways southwest of their territory. The Haslanti learned how to build them out of bits of stuff left over from Bagrash Köl's empire. It's a rare sight to see from such a distance.

But then Kasyan turns their full attention to the group, and thank them for everything. For rescuing them from the raksha and accompanying them. But they've been away from home too long, and should return. They point out a small port town down the hill on the edge of the White Sea called Frostharbor, and from there they can get a boat back to where they need to be.

Wandering Dawn thanks Kasyan for their companionship and assistance with the caravan, and the foxfolk says if the group ever finds their way up near Diamond Hearth, well... Kasyan says the group won't have to look them up, because the three of them will probably cause enough ruckus someone will notice and Kasyan will find them. But if they ever do wind up that way, they'll discover they have friends that way -- and a common enemy they can all fight together.[2]

Before beginning their hike down the mountain, the foxfolk wishes them well: "May Luna smile on your endeavors, but never with teeth."

But as Kasyan has left, so to is Lecht ready to pack up for their return trip south along the Traveler's Road, heading back to Whitewall. The others agree and figure the situation with the hekatonkhire is stable enough it's safe to go. So as they're all packing up their things, Oguri comes up and gives them each a bag of violet gemstones from Gethamane's diamond minds -- their cut of her profits, for keeping them safe. Stray Dog remarks that might be enough to fund the construction of the spa he wants to build at Steamhollow, or at least get it started. Oguri wishes him luck with that, suggesting he should probably talk to someone in Silverpost or Fella. Nothing against the extensive crew that travels with him, but this will need some professional work. He agrees, and recognizes he should at least hire an architect.

While Stray Dog talks with Oguri, Wandering Dawn takes Lecht aside to apologize for the way he acted the day before. He recognizes that Lecht's emotional wounds are still fresh -- those events are like yesterday to them, and it's not fair to expect them to be over that so quickly. But, he wants to know, does Lecht actually plan on fighting Heaven?

"I only intend to fight them if they do not acquiesce to my request," they explain after a moment.

"The request you made last night?"

"Da. But make no mistake, until they admit their error, and the hypocrisy behind them, Heaven will always remain on my 'list.'"

"You truly believe you have the resolve to do that?"

"Very much so."

"Very well. I can't say I agree with your decision but I do to some degree understand where you're coming from. I don't know if I can offer you my support if it ever comes to that, but--"

"I didn't ask for it."

"Fair enough. But, until that time, you can count on me to protect you and support you in your other endeavors."

Lecht, with a teasing smirk, asks "I'm sorry, are you proposing?"

"No. You're not my type."

"Thank the gods."

And, having buried the hatchet and with Wandering Dawn having hugged Lecht whether they like it or not (because actions speak louder than words), the group can get going.

They're back on the road, heading south now with the Groaning Mountains receding in the background. A day and change later, they stop off at Lecht's village of Kolozma to find a bunch of activity there -- wagons, carts, and tents outside the city. Lecht hops down from their wagon and heads for the front gates and grab the first one of their followers they can find, who addresses them as 'Grave Warden' -- their title, as well as the name of their staff. At Lecht's request, the man explains that there's a bunch of unrest in Silverpost and a number of merchants and their families have fled the city. Many are camping at Kolozma for the moment, and Lecht's cult is taking care of them in exchange for a bunch of stuff the merchants brought them with them. 

Lecht tells him to keep doing his good work, and then starts talking to these refugees about what's going on. A wide-eyed woman with black curly hair tells them about a gang in Silverpost called the Leaves, who are on some crusade against greed and avarice (capitalism, really). Lecht recalls the gang from their encounter outside Nadia's place. Well, apparently with the passing of Old Man Liczka, they've risen in force, attacking merchants and fighting against the older son's takeover. A bunch of the businesspeople in Silverpost have fled for their safety, which is why they're in Kolozma. 

According to the woman, the Leaves even have one of the Chosen on their side, which gets an "Oh really?" from Stray Dog with a simultaneous "Oh no" from Lecht. She says that the Exalt has some power over mist, in case there's any question who that is.

The woman then asks the trio who can help them, is there someone they can appeal to? Who are they going to call?[3]

As she asks that, the camera pans to the side where some of Lecht's cult are unloading crates from the back of a wagon, and one of the crates is labeled with the episode title:


The camera pans back to a montage of Lecht talking to other refugees, learning bits and pieces more about the Leaves. Like, for instance, they mark themselves with distinct articles of green clothing, usually something wrapped around the arm or worn as a headscarf or neckerchief.[4] They believe that money should be plentiful and widespread, 'like leaves on the trees,' and have been going after lots of businessfolk, especially any Guild-aligned merchants in the area. A lot of the little details (like the group's fanaticism) are giving Stray Dog and Lecht in particular more 'cult' vibes than 'gang' vibes (maybe because they themselves are cult leaders). 

Something about the whole situation seems odd to Stray Dog as well -- particularly, the Wanaasan. Sure, they tend to be mercenaries, but they're ghost-hunters by nature -- why would one be sticking around for a cause like this? It could be as simple as them paying her, but he's not sure. Wandering Dawn says he ran into her before, but she didn't seem like the sort who'd want to do him or anyone else any undue harm. Stray Dog agrees this is definitely not the Wanaasan's bailiwick. Lecht suggests that maybe she's turned against her people for some reason, or she's being mind-controlled or duped. From Wandering Dawn's brief experience, duped doesn't seem likely, either. Lecht argues that maybe she's being mind-controlled, and Stray Dog tosses out the possibility that she knows something they don't and they should try to talk to her.

Lecht says this is going to get very ugly, very quick. Wandering Dawn, ever the optimist, says it doesn't have to be, but Lecht gives him a look that suggests they both know that's not quite true.

(Brief break for commercial, because this just feels like a fade to black moment.)

The next day they return to Silverpost -- just the main group, while Oguri and the rest of the caravan remain safetly at Kolozma (which isn't really that far away in the grand scheme of things), and a couple of differences jump out at them right away. First off, there are many more guards at the front gates. Second, there's shouting coming from the Ragara camp across the road.

The group splits up -- Stray Dog and Wandering Dawn go to investigate the noise at the camp, while Lecht heads for the gates to go into the city.

As they approach the camp, they find the apparent commander arguing loudly with a monk -- or at least he looks like a monk. Stray Dog recognizes his old compatriot that he saw back in Fella, and while it takes Wandering Dawn a moment he recognizes him as well.[5] 

"Is that the guy who betrayed you?"

"Yes," Stray Dog simply says.

"Should we do something?"


Wandering Dawn pauses a moment. "Do you want to take a moment and enjoy watching him get yelled at."

Stray Dog grins. "Yeah."

"I'm fine with that."

"Joking aside," the Infernal says, still grinning, his tone disarmingly playful. "This guy's a killer and you should be careful."

The lieutenant in charge of the camp seems to want to take control of Silverpost by force and settle this whole 'Leaves' situation quickly and violently with the forces she has available and any locals willing to help. The monk, exasperated, manages to talk her into giving him a couple of days to settle the matter peacefully before it comes to that. He tells her he's going to start sorting the situation out, and bows to her and leaves and then spots Stray Dog Serenade and Wandering Dawn.

"Good afternoon, I'm sorry you had to see that. I am Humble Blossom of the Immaculate Order."

"Why are you pretending you don't know me?" Stray Dog asks him outright.

Humble Blossom pauses, and the Infernal can see fear in his eyes, and then a searching look as he realizes that his former associate does indeed recognize him.

"How?" he blurts out, exasperated, before lowering his voice to a bitter hiss. "People don't know me any more."

Stray Dog laughs. "Are you implying I'm not a person, Stone Thistle?" he asks, using the monk's real name.

Stone Thistle's eyes widen and he looks nervous. "Perhaps we should speak off to the side, please."

The three of them move off to the side where Stone Thistle explains that for reasons he's not going to get into, most people have trouble keeping track of his identity. But he knows they're Exalts, because he saw them fight that mammoth-thing back in Fella, but even Exalts should have trouble recalling him.

"Hell has a long memory," Stray Dog says with a grin.

Stone Thistle narrows his eyes. "Of course, I should have guessed," he hisses.

Wandering Dawn just smiles and waves at him.

"Hi. Yes, I know you're a Solar, and that's fine."

"If it makes you feel any better, I almost didn't remember you."

"It does and it doesn't. Because it sucks, and you get used to it... so it throws you when someone does remember you."

He shakes his head and starts to explain the situation -- the Solar and Infernal know about the Leaves already and are here to help with that, so he skips past that part, and explains that the Leaves have tried to sabotage and attack the Ragara camp. This is probably because House Ragara is known to be the wealthiest House of the Scarlet Dynasty. But the lieutenant wants to take the town by force and she's got just enough trained soldiers to do it -- but it'll be a bloodbath, made even messier by the fact that they don't have a Dragon-Blooded officer any more after the cockatrice incident, and he's trying to put a stop to the mess.

And now, he points out, he finds out he has to get to Gethamane to look into something at the first opportunity, but he's just one guy and doesn't have the time to sort out all this. With that off his chest, he asks them what he can do to help if they can put their differences aside for the moment. Stray Dog says he wants to find the Wanaasan, and Stone Thistle confirms she should still be around. He asks if they want to talk to her or... He trails off ominously.

Stray Dog says first one, and then the other, and Stone Thistle makes a note of that. He says he can move around town pretty freely in his search. With a grin he explains that even aside from the fact that people forget him, as a monk and therefore someone who's ostensibly taken a vow of poverty, he's basically invisible to the Leaves.

We then cut to Lecht moving around the city -- things are quiet and peaceful, but there's an undercurrent of concern, and the market is almost empty. They're able to pick out someone who's clearly an enforcer of some sort, even though the guy's not openly wearing the colors of the Leaves. They make eye contact with him and, coming across like someone worth shaking down, they hustle down an alleyway. The man follows them, clearly not considering that this could be some sort of trap.

At one point as the man moves down the alley, the 'camera' remains still so all we see is the enforcer's shadow on the wall as he stalks down the alley. Then there's the sound of some mystic words and a 'whoosh' sound from off-camera, accompanied by a flash of light. Then another shadow quickly streaks across the wall (followed by a flash of something white zipping across the 'screen'), intersecting with the man's shadow right through the neck, and the shadow's head falls off with a wet thud, before the actual head itself rolls into view. 

Lecht steps forward and picks up the head.

"Good. Now we will have honest conversation."

And we leave off there.

[0]-- So as a note, traditionally the city guard don't shake down adventurers and treasure seekers as soon as they come out of the tunnels like this -- they know all too well how some adventurers wouldn't have compunctions about killing, bribing, or BSing guards into letting them go. That's why they let them wait a while and get them when their defenses are lowered. In this instance, I made an exception to give the characters someone they can take out some frustration on guilt-free. To their credit, they resisted the temptation.
[1]-- Dragon-Bloods, like most Exalts, are inundated with dreams when they sleep in Gethamane. Wandering Dawn's creepy ominous nightmare is a sunlit meadow of beautiful flowers compared to the dreams the gods send to Dragon-Bloods.
[2]-- For the record, this isn't meant to be any sort of foreshadowing. I can't rule out the possibility that the story may one day drift northward, but I have no immediate plans for it to do so.
[3]-- This is a callback, no pun intended, to Lecht's 'Ghostbusters' joke from the Circle's last visit to Silverpost.
[4]-- A little bit of inspiration was taken from Japan's color gangs for this.
[5]-- I can't remember if I mentioned this before and I don't feel like checking now, but Stray Dog's old friend Exalted as a Sidereal and thus is forgotten by most of the world due to the Arcane Fate. As an Infernal Exalt, Stray Dog Serenade is considered 'outside of fate,' which among other things means he's immune to that particular effect and remembers him just fine. Other characters normally get a roll, but I let him cash in the last of the artificial 'stunt dice' the group got from the Star Taker to automatically see through it because that felt like an appropriate effect and it meant I didn't have to keep reminding the group about it.

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