Saturday, August 3, 2024

Blog Stuff in General

I'm hoping to get some feedback on some blog things.

First, I'm thinking of doing a couple more character builds at some point, including an Exalted core system version of Ferem Jago for comparison to the ExEss version, and maybe another couple of Exalted characters across both systems. Somewhere in there, I also plan to do a Trinity Continuum: Aether character since we've got the final PDF now. But I'm wondering if anyone has any other systems they'd like to see me tackle in this regard (or character types for systems I've done), because only one person has said anything about any of them one way or another. My ability to amuse myself with doing these character builds is running out, and I'm feeling like there are better ways I could be spending my 'fun writing' time. 

So if you have any requests or thoughts, let me know -- and please, please, don't just say 'whatever you want to do is fine.' I don't want to do these for just myself. I'm trying to offer entertainment and, if I'm lucky, a little insight into these gaming systems by building characters for them and if they're not serving that purpose then they literally have no point. I could put together a more thorough list of systems I've got books for if someone asks, but as a starting point I've got books for almost all of the classic WoD, Chronicles of Darkness, and a bunch of Fate and PbtA stuff, among others. 

Either way, if you'd like to see me keep doing character builds, I need a little feedback.

On a related note -- and I've probably mentioned this before, but if I have it hasn't been recent -- I've had some thoughts about addressing larger RPG-related thoughts on the blog. Musings about systems and such, just ideas that occur to me, little 'how I do things' tidbits that might be helpful. I'd like this blog to be more than just tabletop session write-ups, but as with the character builds it's simply not worth it to waste the energy writing these things down for my own sake. So if anyone's honestly curious for me to ramble on about stuff, let me know -- and, again, if anyone's got anything they'd like to hear about, any RPG questions I might be able to answer, get my opinions on this or that subject, I'm willing to at least listen to suggestions.

Thank you for your time.

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