Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: The Root of the Problem (Exalted)

Hey there, folks, here we are with me trying (and failing) to get this write-up assembled and posted with plenty of time to work on/worry about other things before the next session.

And, um... yeah. Can't think of anything else to add. So let's do this thing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Clash in the Crypt (Exalted)

Hello there, hello there. If you follow my blog normally, there's a chance you'll see this right after I post a couple more entries because I got a couple done and ready to go all at once. But unless something stupid happens between me typing this sentence and tomorrow, I should officially be caught up in time for my next session. Thanks for sticking with me.

Speaking of which, I'm not gonna keep harping on about it after this post, but here's another call for a response or some other feedback regarding my plans for this blog.

The Road Between Light and Dark: After Death (Exalted)

Something something still getting caught up...

I keep wanting to think of something else to put here, but nothing's coming to me, especially since I'm working on some of these 'catch up' posts back to back without any time for interesting thoughts or personal news to break them up. Maybe I'll do one of the character builds I've got in mind between this one and the next one, who knows. (Here's Chris from the future, saying I went ahead and got fully  caught up, as you may know by now.)


The Road Between Light and Dark: Leaves (Exalted)

Okay, unless for some reason this is the first one of my posts you've seen, you know what this is -- me getting caught up on past sessions. But with this post, we wrap up "Nightmare" and move into the next story -- which is the current story as of this writing, which means I'm making progress!

And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, still looking for input on the blog itself. As of this writing/posting, literally the only response I've gotten from someone is "Sorry, I don't read the blog, I'm not a blog reader." Which is usually the only response I ever get, if I get one at all, but at least this time it's from someone different than usual.

Anyhow, before I put myself into a spiral, let's get this show on the road...

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: A Glimpse of Heaven (Exalted)

Okay, if you've been keeping up with the blog, you know where we're at and what we're doing. Just a quick reminder that I'm still seeking some input about other things I could be doing with this blog, if anyone's got any interest in that.

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Nightmare (Exalted)

Hey there, folks, I've got another Exalted post for you in my Sisyphean quest to try and get caught up while sessions are still happening.

Just as a quick note, I'm still looking for input and feedback regarding my recent post elsewhere on this blog.

And now, let's get into it!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: The Stars Align (Exalted)

Okay, here we are, on my ongoing trek to get caught up on my session write-ups. This one wraps up the eighth 'episode' and kinda starts the ninth, hence the overlapping tags.

First, here's a quick reminder that I recently did a Pathfinder character write-up elsewhere on my blog, for those of you who prefer your fantasy with d20s instead of d10s.

And with that...

Blog Stuff in General

I'm hoping to get some feedback on some blog things.

First, I'm thinking of doing a couple more character builds at some point, including an Exalted core system version of Ferem Jago for comparison to the ExEss version, and maybe another couple of Exalted characters across both systems. Somewhere in there, I also plan to do a Trinity Continuum: Aether character since we've got the final PDF now. But I'm wondering if anyone has any other systems they'd like to see me tackle in this regard (or character types for systems I've done), because only one person has said anything about any of them one way or another. My ability to amuse myself with doing these character builds is running out, and I'm feeling like there are better ways I could be spending my 'fun writing' time. 

So if you have any requests or thoughts, let me know -- and please, please, don't just say 'whatever you want to do is fine.' I don't want to do these for just myself. I'm trying to offer entertainment and, if I'm lucky, a little insight into these gaming systems by building characters for them and if they're not serving that purpose then they literally have no point. I could put together a more thorough list of systems I've got books for if someone asks, but as a starting point I've got books for almost all of the classic WoD, Chronicles of Darkness, and a bunch of Fate and PbtA stuff, among others. 

Either way, if you'd like to see me keep doing character builds, I need a little feedback.

On a related note -- and I've probably mentioned this before, but if I have it hasn't been recent -- I've had some thoughts about addressing larger RPG-related thoughts on the blog. Musings about systems and such, just ideas that occur to me, little 'how I do things' tidbits that might be helpful. I'd like this blog to be more than just tabletop session write-ups, but as with the character builds it's simply not worth it to waste the energy writing these things down for my own sake. So if anyone's honestly curious for me to ramble on about stuff, let me know -- and, again, if anyone's got anything they'd like to hear about, any RPG questions I might be able to answer, get my opinions on this or that subject, I'm willing to at least listen to suggestions.

Thank you for your time.