Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Is this thing on?

Just a quick update that I may or may not delete later, but I wanted to knock some dust off because it's been a little quiet here.

I've been a little preoccupied with, among other things, working on revisions for my sections of the new Alchemicals fatsplat. There've been a couple of snags on my end, exacerbated by ADHD issues, but we're chugging along and I should have my final draft of my last section in very soon.

For the sake of emotional transparency, which I'm trying to be a little better about these days, by 'ADHD issues' I mean that I had to change my meds (developed a tolerance to the previous stuff), and the pills I'm on now ain't working great. Better than nothing at all, but only slightly. Fortunately, I'll see my psychiatrist next week and talk about alternative options. I'm dreading that slightly because I know the alternative I'm going to have to switch to is expensive as heck, but we're talking about paying a price for basic functionality.

But that means that technical issues have interfered with the writing, which has stressing me out, which was making it hard to focus on untangling said issues. And I hit that point where any attempt to relax automatically fails because I'm preoccupied with the fact I'm not done yet. So that gets me even more stressed out, which makes it even harder to focus, and oh no I've gone cross-eyednext thing you know I'm ignoring 99% of my messages for a few days and trying not to melt down.

I mean, everything's basically good now, barring me being struck by lightning in the next few days (though I'd prefer not to get struck by lightning after that, either).

And speaking of Exalted in a roundabout way, the tabletop game's been going well, I just haven't had the time or headspace to do the write-ups. I'll start getting caught up soon, if the Great Maker is gracious with his blessings. Autobot be praised!

If anyone wants to reach out or has any questions, feel free to leave a comment here or hit me up wherever you saw this linked. Thanks.

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