Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Road Between Light and Dark: Eggshells (Exalted)

Okay, so as I begin writing this, I'm still a little behind overall; there's this session and then another to write-up, and hopefully I can get those both done before the next session I actually run so I've got a few minutes to work on other stuff.

In the meantime, just as a quick reminder, I recently posted a bit of fiction with some side-characters, technically properly introducing one for the first time. It takes place alongside the last story, and in fact the session depicted in this blog post alludes to those events somewhat. I just wanted to give a couple of characters the spotlight, set up a couple little things, and write some action sequences. It assumes a basic familiarity with the setup of this chronicle, so it's not entirely standalone, but reading it isn't necessary to understand anything in this session.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

On the Road (Exalted Fiction)

So here's a side-story I came up with that takes place alongside 'The Snare,' just something that picks up after the characters separate from the caravan. Mostly just some character moments, possibly setting up some future things. Maybe.

Y'know, if that sort of thing might interest you.

The Road Between Light and Dark: The Jade Lion (Exalted)

Hey there, folks, sorry it's been quiet. Combination of distractions, various other issues and also the fact that we had a session end mid-fight and I didn't want to do a write-up until it was resolved. So technically this covers about a session and a half. And there've been other delays as well, including a short fiction I wanted to post between this one and the following session write-up. Apologies, and I'll get caught up as soon as possible.

I can't think of anything else to add here, so let's get into it.